Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sixth Age Support System

Heart Tugs

Heart Connections
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst is one of my favorite books to read with students!  It is a story about our connection to others by an invisible string that can tug on our hearts wherever we are.  It helps children understand that they are never alone; even if their loved one isn't present.  He or she is connected by that invisible string and can feel the love at all times.  This string is a "very special string made of love."  Sixth Agers talked about their connections- parent, grandparent, friend, pet, as well as loved ones who have died.  Then, each student cut out a paper heart, and drew a picture of at least one person they are connected to by invisible string.  Some made bracelets out of their hearts, others necklaces, while others put them in their lockers to remind them that even if their special person isn't with them at school, they can still feel the heart tug and the comfort it brings.


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