Monday, September 30, 2013

Kelso's Choice Conflict Management Program

My Character lessons have moved from Compassion to Conflict!  Since conflicts happen throughout one's school years and beyond, when one know how to solve conflicts in a respectful way, school becomes a more compassionate place.  Last year, we introduced the Kelso's and KC's Choice conflict resolution curriculum. This year, the homeroom teachers and I are reviewing it with classes and introducing it for the first time to the Fifth Age and many of the Sixth Agers.  The program requires kids to communicate verbally and non-verbally in an effort to understand and then produce positive win/win results. 

Kelso's Choice gives kids nine ways to solve small problems such as pushing in line or not sharing a toy.  Students are encouraged to try two of the choices before seeking help from a trusted adult at school.  If however, the problem is big such as being pushed down by someone at recess, students are told to go directly to an adult for help (and this is not tattling).  Delivering the lessons are fun because the curriculum uses card games, DVD's, puppets, role plays, and art projects .

The lessons will be taught and highlighted throughout the year.  The Kelso's Choice wheel is displayed in each homeroom and many other locations around school.  It is a strong visual reference and reminder to students!  I love it when I hear kids say, "How would Kelso solve this problem!"  Please encourage your sons and daughters to use it at home with siblings and friends. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Character Lessons Focus on Compassion

Did you know that Compassion is Contagious?
Let's Spread it around Calvert and the Community

I have been talking to students in all classes about Compassion.  We have discussed what it means to them, and how contagious it is!  Here are some examples of what they have said:

Tenth Age:
I help people if they are hurt
I give a little kid a big hug at lunch if she looks sad
I help friends when they are worried
I stand up for others
I try to be a leader, but not a bossy one
When I am nice to others, they are nice to me

All Tenth Age classes decorated their bulletin board with Compassion statements:


8-A gave "gifts of compassion" by filling out gift cards.  Here are a few of their "gifts:"

Play with someone you don't know
Be caring and nice when people are sad
Be nice to your brother or sister

And,  7-A decorated stars that are spreading Compassion around the community!

Upcoming school events offer concrete ways for children to put compassion into action.  Our Fresh Food Drive is the week of October 14-18, our Family Day of Service is Saturday, October 19, and Race for the Cure is Sunday, October 20. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Compassion Assembly

Today was our assembly about the Calvert pillar, Compassion; the pillar we will emphasize this year by focusing on kindness in our community, appreciating similarities and differences, and putting compassion into action.  Two highlights of the assembly were short films about compassion.  One is called the "Life Vest Inside" project and the other is the "Kindness Boomerang," and is a short film performed by a third grade in the model of Life Vest Inside.   Both focus on the impact each person can have in a community and the fact that Compassion is contagious!

Here are links to the two clips:

Life Vest Inside

Mrs. Bryner's Third Grade Kindness Boomerang

We also enjoyed skits by some of our Tenth Age students.  The skits focused on school situations where kids noticed similarities and differences amongst their classmates, and realized how differences could and should be celebrated.  I look forward to seeing what new ideas our students will implement as they put compassion into action this year at Calvert School and in the greater community.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Character Education and Wellness at Calvert

Character Education and Wellness Classes Begin this Week!

I am happy to be back in the classrooms with the girls and boys teaching Character and Wellness lessons.  My topics range from Anxiety and Social Skills to Values and Communication Skills.  Each grade level has lessons tailored to the students' needs and developmental stages.  I work closely with the homeroom teachers to make sure the lessons are relevant and timely.  Each topic I teach addresses at least one of the Calvert Pillars of Respect, Honor, Responsibility, and Compassion.  During the year I will post highlights from the lessons!

My New Office is Next to the Nurse's Office!