Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Compassion Assembly

Today was our assembly about the Calvert pillar, Compassion; the pillar we will emphasize this year by focusing on kindness in our community, appreciating similarities and differences, and putting compassion into action.  Two highlights of the assembly were short films about compassion.  One is called the "Life Vest Inside" project and the other is the "Kindness Boomerang," and is a short film performed by a third grade in the model of Life Vest Inside.   Both focus on the impact each person can have in a community and the fact that Compassion is contagious!

Here are links to the two clips:

Life Vest Inside

Mrs. Bryner's Third Grade Kindness Boomerang

We also enjoyed skits by some of our Tenth Age students.  The skits focused on school situations where kids noticed similarities and differences amongst their classmates, and realized how differences could and should be celebrated.  I look forward to seeing what new ideas our students will implement as they put compassion into action this year at Calvert School and in the greater community.

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