Thursday, February 20, 2014

What if Everybody Did That?!


I focused on our Pillar of Responsibility with the Sixth Age as we read What if Everybody Did That? by Ellen Javernick.  The book addresses the ways in which our choices impact others, the community, and the world in a lively and engaging way.  In each situation presented, the boy in the story is asked, "What if Everybody Did That?"  For instance, what if everybody threw trash out the window, what if everybody fed the animals at the zoo, and what if everybody bathed just once a year?!  The illustrations are amusing and lots of discussion was generated in each Sixth Age section.

Once we finished with the story, I asked them some follow-up questions:
  • What if everybody talked while the teacher was talking?
  • What if everybody didn't return their library books?
  • What if everybody rushed to the front of the line?
The students had some amusing responses but many serious ones as well!  I think the message of social responsibility came across using this delightful book.

There was Lots of Enthusiasm in 6-A!

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