Thursday, May 8, 2014

Words to Grow On

Flowers are Growing, not Shrinking, with Words from 7-B!
I started a new unit with the Seventh Age called, "Words to Grow on."  I asked 7-B what makes them grow, and they offered vegetables, water, milk, and exercise.  I asked them, "What about words?"  After some discussion they agreed that there are growing statements and shrinking statements that people say to each other and say to themselves.  We brainstormed two lists: one of positive or growing words, and the other of negative or shrinking words. 

Their examples of growing words were:

  • You are smart in Math
  • I love you to the moon and back (to say to your parent)
  • You are doing a good job with your handwriting
  • That's Great!
  • Your are good at Spelling
  • I'll Try It (to say to yourself)
  • This is fun to learn (to say to your teacher)
We discussed self-talk as well.  It is important to remember to say growing words to yourself to keep yourself healthy, confident, and strong.

Then, I read the book, The Dot, to them and asked them to listen to the words.  Would the main character, Vashti, grow or shrink?  In fact, Vashti grows as a result of what her teacher said to her.
With a few words, this adult changed Vashti's life and feelings about herself. 

"Now Sign It," Said Vashti's Teacher and that Made All the Difference

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