Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Eighth Age Girls: Can Cliques and Compassion Co-Exist?


I have been working with the Eighth Age girls on the definition of compassion as well as the definition of cliques, and asking them how the two words are part of the social life in the school community and whether or not they can co-exist.  Since compassion is one of Calvert's school pillars, we used this definition: Appreciation of similarities and differences; the caring treatment of one another.  We compared that to the definition of a clique,  and decided that a clique that excludes others and makes them feel unwelcome was not going to be a compassionate group.  This type of clique can make kids feel lonely, unhappy, and angry.  The word, clique, is associated with mean behavior but cliques can also be inclusive, where kids feel welcomed, happy, and loved.  Compassionate groups include because of differences, but mean cliques exclude because of differences.  I challenged the girls to "be themselves" and not be swayed by the potential power of a group with different values than their own.



Top Ten Ways to be a Compassionate Classmate:

  1. Show Kindness and Respect to all
  2. Stick up for all
  3. Be supportive when classmates need help or advice
  4. Tell the truth (in a compassionate way)
  5. If you hurt your classmate's feelings, say you are sorry
  6. If a classmate hurts you and apologizes, accept the apology
  7. If you make a promise, keep it
  8. Put effort into your friendships, and share your friends with others
  9. Accept your classmates the way they are
  10. Treat your classmates the way you want them to treat you

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