Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Empathy Explorers in Tenth Age

The Tenth Age begins a unit called "Empathy Explorers" based on educational information from the website Start Empathy.  After defining the word and talking about why it is so important to understand, students will view a series of short videos narrated by Ed Stockham.  Titles include, Through my Eyes, Monster on my Shoulder, and Power to Shine.  These clips offer engaging insights into the the ability to recognize and understand another person's perspective and feelings.

10-2  students began the unit today and the other sections will start this week or next. Parents can promote the development of empathy in their child by modeling this behavior at home.  Understanding their perspective and asking if what you did or said helped is a great way to connect with your son or daughter.  This gives your child the opportunity to learn by example, but also to connect with you as you make the effort to interpret how he or she is feeling or thinking about a situation.

10-2 Becoming Empathy Explorers

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