Friday, March 14, 2014

Tenth Grade Girls Discuss: What is my Reputation, Where do I Stand?

I had a lively discussion with both 10-A and 10-B girls about the word Reputation.  First, we defined it, and then talked about Calvert School's reputation.  Girls offered: academic excellence, awesome teachers, a close community, and a great campus as ways to describe Calvert's reputation  Then I asked them to think about their own reputation and the reputation they would like to have within the Calvert community.  Each girl received a paper mirror as a way to reflect and think about herself.  Such words as caring, kind, smart, bold, funny, and trustworthy came to mind as girls talked about their reputations and what they thought they stood for or aimed to stand for as a student at Calvert. I reminded them that a reputation is behavior used over time and used consistently. As one student said, "I will have an amazing reputation if I use the Calvert Pillars every day, all year long!"



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