Monday, March 3, 2014

It Just Takes One

Ms. Hollander's Class acts out ONE!

Sixth Age students are enjoying the book, One, by Kathryn Otoshi.  I have been reading it to them, and then they have had the opportunity to act it out with the colored shapes and numbers that are the characters in the story.  One is a picture book about bullying; Blue gets picked on by Red and the other colors don't stand up to Red.  Then, the Number One enters the story and says, "I for one" will stand up to Red and tell him to stop picking on Blue .  One becomes the ally to Blue and then all the colors stop being bystanders and turn into numbers and take a stand.  Sometimes, it takes just one voice to make everyone count. This seemingly simple story has deep meaning for the young students as they can grasp onto the concept that oftentimes "it just takes One."  It motivates young learners to stand up for their friends and classmates!

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